Slovak LOSSTT-IN-MATH System
At the national level.
Pedagogic Faculties in Bratislava and Banska Bystrica, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in Bratislava and Faculty of Natural Sciences in Kosice
The future basic school teachers at the primary level (1st to 4th grades) take a four-year study during which they get acquainted with all fields of the subject matter taught at the primary level of basic schools. As far as the Mathematics content of the studies is concerned, they take courses in elementary set theory and propositional logic, arithmetic, algebraic structures, essentials of geometry, basics on computers, etc. However, in Mathematics as well as in other subjects, the emphasize is on didactical aspects of their future teaching, that is, an essential part of the courses is devoted to theory and practice regarding methods and efficient procedures of teaching.
The future basic school teachers at the lower secondary level (5st to 9th grades) take a five-year study aimed at their preparation for teaching two subjects. Mathematics is combined with other subject (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology, geography, computer science, arts, foreign languages). Pedagogic Faculties in Bratislava and Banska Bystrica prepare future teachers only for the lower secondary level while Faculties of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in Bratislava and of Natural sciences in Kosice prepare teachers for both lower and upper secondary level (5st to 12th grades).
At the local level.
Pedagogic Faculty of Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica
In the last years LOSSTT in Mathematics at Pedagogic Faculty in Banska Bystrica was combined with LOSSTT in the following subjects: the Slovak language or Arts or Music or Physical education. Below are compulsory and optional courses and so called `compulsory optional modules' of the Mathematics curriculum valid in this form since 1996:
Compulsory courses of the 1st cycle (Years 1 - 2):
Introduction to Mathematics (39 hours);
Geometry (26 hours),
Mappings (39 hours);
Algebra 1 - Algebraic structures (39 hours),
Algebra 2 - Polynomial algebra (26 hours),
Algebra 3 - Linear algebra (26 hours);
Mathematical analysis 1 (52 hours),
Mathematical analysis 2 (52 hours).
Compulsory courses of the 2nd cycle (Years 3 - 5):
Measure 1 (26 hours),
Drawing geometry (26 hours),
Analytic geometry (26 hours);
Arithmetic 1 (13 hours);
Didactics of mathematics A (26 hours),
Didactics of mathematics B (26 hours);
Computers and programming 1 (13 hours);
Discrete mathematics (26 hours);
Probability and statistics (26 hours);
Application of mathematics in science (13 hours).
Compulsory optional modules:
A - Module of geometry
Nonlinear mappings (26 hours), Measure 2 (26 hours), Conics (26 hours), Drawing tasks (26 hours);
B - Module of algebra
Polynomial algebra (13 hours), Linear algebra (26 hours), Arithmetic 2 (26 hours), Algebraic structures and lattices (13 hours); Mathematical Olympiad (13 hours);
C - Module of Didactics of mathematics
History of mathematics (13 hours), Methods of solving mathematics problems 1 (26 hours), Arrangement of mathematics curriculum (13 hours), Concepts in mathematics (26 hours), Workshops 1(26 hours), Statistics in school practice (26 hours).
A -student's option has to be at least 3 courses; B - student's option has to be at least 3 courses; C - student's option has to be at least 5 courses;
Optional modules:
Elementary mathematics (26 hours), Personal computers (26 hours), Internet (26 hours), Outline and draw (13 hours), Romantic mathematics (26 hours), Computers and programming 2 (13 hours), New course in Didactics of mathematics (13 hours), Methods of solving of mathematics problems 2 (26 hours), Workshops 2 (26 hours), Diploma thesis seminar (13 hours).
Trajectory of Teacher training at Pedagogic faculty of M Bel University