Czech Lower Secondary School Mathematics Standards




  • Multiples and divisors of a number;
  • Prime numbers;
  • Least common multiple, greatest common divisor;
  • Powers of natural numbers;
  • Integer numbers.


  • To decide whether a given number is/is not a multiple/divisor of a certain number.
  • To find all divisors of a given number.
  • To decide without dividing if the number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10;.
  • To decompose a natural numbers into its prime divisors.
  • To find the LCM and GCD of a group of numbers.

Number systems

  • Real numbers;
  • Absolute value;
  • Rational numbers;
  • Fractions;
  • Operations with rational numbers;
  • Powers;
  • Roots.


  • To recognize a natural, integer, rational, irrational number.
  • To write numbers in the decimal system
  • To represent all rational and some irrational numbers on the number line.
  • To understand the notions positive, negative, non-positive, non-negative numbers.
  • Find the absolute value of a real number.
  • To define a rational number.
  • To compare rational numbers.
  • To write a fraction as a decimal or periodic number.
  • To understand that one rational number might be expressed as infinitely many fractions.
  • To reduce and raise a fraction, simplify a fraction; to find irreducible fractions.
  • To make calculations with mixed numbers.
  • To make calculations with rational numbers using different methods.
  • To calculate second and third powers of a number.
  • To make calculations with powers.
  • To calculate square roots of some numbers, to find second and cube roots using tables and calculators.

Percents, ratio, proportion

  • Percent;
  • Ratio;
  • Proportion, rule of three


  • To calculate the percent as 1/100 of a whole
  • To make calculations about percents.
  • To apply percents - simple interest.
  • To express the ratio in its simplest form by cancellation.
  • To understand the progressive ratio as a short form of simple ratios.
  • To divide a number in a given progressive ratio.
  • To understand proportion as the equality of two ratios.
  • To calculate the unknown term of a proportion.
  • To apply the rule of three when solving problems.


  • Expressions;
  • Polynomials;
  • Rational expressions.


  • To recognize expressions.
  • To construct expression.
  • To find the value of an expression for a given value of variable.
  • To apply the notions member, coefficient, degree, value of a polynomial.
  • To add, subtract, multiply polynomials, to divide a polynomial by a linear binomial.
  • To factorize polynomials.
  • To use formulas for (A + B)2, A2 - B2, A3 - B3, A3 + B3.
  • To distinguish between polynomials and rational expressions.
  • To reduce and raise rational expressions by a number, monomial and linear binomial.
  • To make calculations with rational expressions.


  • Equations and their rearranging;
  • Linear equations;
  • Quadratic equations;
  • Systems of linear equations.


  • To recognize equations.
  • To verify if a given object is a root of the given equation.
  • To define a root of an equation.
  • To add the same expression to both sides of an equation, to multiply both sides of an equation by the same non-zero expression.
  • To determine whether a given equation is linear.
  • To solve linear equations.
  • To classify the number of roots of a linear equation.
  • To define a root of a linear equation as the intersection on the graph of the corresponding linear function and x-axis.
  • To transform an equation with the unknown in the denominator into a linear equation.
  • To apply linear equation s in problem solving.
  • To solve quadratic equations ax2 + b = 0,    x -  m = 0, m > 0.
  • To recognize systems of linear equations.
  • To understand that the solution of a system of two linear equations with two unknowns is an ordered number pair.
  • To have the idea about the number of solutions of a system of two linear equations with two unknowns.
  • To solve a system of two linear equations with two unknowns.
  • To find the solution of two linear equations with two unknowns as coordinates of the intersection of graphs of two linear functions.


  • Coordinate system;
  • Functions;
  • Direct proportion;
  • Indirect proportion;
  • Linear function;
  • Quadratic function;
  • Trigonometric functions.


  • To choose an appropriate coordinate system in a plane.
  • To represent a point in a given coordinate system.
  • To determine coordinates of a point represented in a given coordinate system.
  • To recognize a function given by a table, graph and formula.
  • To decide if a number belongs to the range of a function.
  • To find the range of a function from its graph, formula, table.
  • To find the function value for a given element from its range.
  • To decide if a given set of points is a graph of a function.
  • To decide from the graph if the function is increasing/decreasing.
  • To select functions which are direct/indirect proportions.
  • To find the coefficient of a given direct/indirect proportion.
  • To construct a graph of a direct/indirect proportion.
  • To select functions which are linear.
  • To construct a graph of a linear function.
  • To select functions which are quadratic of the form y = ax2, a > 0.
  • To construct a graph of a quadratic function.
  • To define tangent, sine, cosine of an acute number.
  • To grasp tangent, sine, cosine as dependencies, to sketch their graphs.
  • To find values of trigonometric functions using table and calculators.
  • To find α when knowing sin α, cos α, tg α.
  • To use trigonometric functions in problem solving.

Basic 2D-notions

  • Point, straight line, plane;
  • Half-line, line segment, half-plane, angle;
  • Sets of a given property;
  • Circle, circumference of a circle;
  • Polygon;
  • Triangle;
  • Quadrilateral;


  • To know what defines a straight line in a plane.
  • To characterize the mutual position of 3 points/2 lines in a plane.
  • To find out if two lines are parallel, perpendicular.
  • To understand properties of half-lines, line segments, angles.
  • To measure an angle, classify angles by their size.
  • To know properties of an angle bisector.
  • To know and determine properties of adjacent angles, vertically opposite angles, alternate angles, corresponding angles on parallel lines.
  • To find simple sets of points of a given property.
  • To know and apply Theorem of Thales.
  • To define a circle, circumference of a circle.
  • To know the notion of an arc, to determine its length.
  • To characterize the mutual position of a circle and line.
  • To know properties of a tangent and of a secant to a circle.
  • To know formulas for the perimeter and area of a circle.
  • To recognize a polygon.
  • To decide if a given polygon is convex or concave.
  • To characterize a regular polygon.
  • To know and be able to use properties of triangles.
  • To classify triangles.
  • To know properties of angles, lines joining the mid-points of 2 sides, heights, medians of a triangle.
  • To characterize the circumscribed circle, inscribed circle.
  • To calculate the height and area of a triangle.
  • To describe an isosceles and equilateral triangle.
  • To know the Theorem of Pythagoras and to apply it when solving problems. 
  • To recognize a quadrilateral.
  • To calculate the area of a quadrilateral by dividing it into two triangles.
  • To know the sum of inner angles of a quadrilateral.
  • To classify quadrilaterals.
  • To describe trapezium and its special types, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.
  • To calculate and to apply formulas for the area of a trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square.
Geometric mappings
  • Congruence of geometric figures;
  • Similarity of geometric figures;
  • Isometries;
  • Point symmetry;
  • Line reflection;
  • Translation.


  • To understand intuitively the concept of the congruence/similarity of figures.
  • To have an active command of theorems conditions for the congruence/similarity of triangles.
  • To understand the notions object, image, to know that the image of congruent figures in an isometry are congruent figures, to understand the notion of a fixed point.
  • To find the image of a point, line, triangle and circle in an isometry.
  • To define a point symmetry/line reflection/translation, to know their properties.
  • To recognize figures which are isometric,
  • To apply symmetries when solving problems.


  • Basic geometric constructions;
  • Constructions of an angle;
  • Construction of a triangle;
  • Construction of a quadrilateral;
  • Construction of a regular polygon;
  • Construction of a circle.




  • Polyhedron;
  • Cube;
  • Cuboid;
  • Prism;
  • Pyramid.


  • To recognize polyhedra.
  • To describe their vertices, edges, faces on a model.
  • To define and recognize a cube/cuboid, to sketch it in an oblique projection.
  • To know its properties.
  • To mark its face and body diagonals.
  • To know and apply formulas for a cube/cuboid volume and surface area.
  • To know the properties and be able to sketch a prism/a pyramid.
  • To describe its basis and lateral surface.
  • To use Theorem of Pythagoras and trigonometric functions for determining the height and lengths of edges.
  • To sketch nets.


Czech Input Situation
Summary of mathematics taught at the primary level


  • Natural numbers and their notation in the decimal system;
  • Representation on a number line;
  • The number zero;
  • Comparison of natural numbers;
  • Rounding natural numbers;
  • Operations with natural numbers including division by one- and two-digit divisors;
  • Solving word problems resulting in one or two operations with natural numbers;
  • Decimal numbers with tenths and hundreds, their addition and subtraction;
  • Using decimal numbers in concrete models (money, weight, length);
  • Fraction as a part of a whole, representation of fractions;
  • Simple cases of addition of fractions with the same denominator.


  • Recognition of 2D-figures (triangle, rectangle, square, quadrilateral, circle);
  • Measuring lengths of line segments - units of length mm, cm, dm, m, km and their conversions;
  • Construction of line segments of given lengths;
  • Perimeter of a figure;
  • Construction of lines parallel to a given line, perpendicular to a given line[1];
  • Construction of a circle with a given center and radius;
  • Construction of a rectangle, square and right-angles triangle;
  • Determination of the area of a rectangle using the square grid;
  • Calculation of the area of a circle, rectangle;
  • Units of area mm2, cm2, dm2, m2, ha;
  • Recognition of 3D-figures (cube, cuboid, prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone, sphere);
  • Nets of cuboids and cubes;
  • Calculation of the surface area of a cuboid and cube by adding the area of their bases and faces;
  • Solving word problems resulting in simple calculations of perimeters and areas of rectangles and squares.

[1] In our schools, special triangles are used for these constructions - isosceles right-angled triangles with the height to the base.

This page comes from the LOSSTT-IN-MATH Project website