LOSSTT-IN-MATH Project Home Page

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Project Details


112318-CP-1-2003-1 -IT-COMENIUS-C21


Project span

Project Coordinator

CAFRE Centro di Ateneo di Formazione e Ricerca Educativa
Università di Pisa

Contact person
Prof. Franco FAVILLI


Project Partners
(CZ) Univerzita Karlova v Praze

(DK) Skårup Seminarium

(FR) Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Créteil

(IT) Università degli Studi di Firenze

(IT) Università degli Studi di Siena

(SK) Univerzita Mateja Bela

Best Practices
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“Real World” Problems

by Lucia Doretti

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Siena, Italy


We consider it important that pre-service teachers master both mathematical problem solving and the choice and analysis of problems, together with the way of posing them in the classroom, so that pupils’ thinking processes may be better stimulated. The teacher must make several decisions about the organisation of their own teaching: these relate to the choice and systematisation of ‘good’ problems, the management of pupils’ personal solutions in the sharing phases (discussion), the possible ways for making these personal solutions evolve towards expert solutions, which are the main goal. In this context, a priori analysis becomes one of the professional tools helping teachers to formulate their choices and decisions (Charnay, 2003). The “Real world” problems proposal sits within a set of activities that stimulate work with problems starting from a suitable a priori analysis, in order to identify the mathematical concepts at stake and to determine whether, how and with what aims they can be used in teaching. The proposal provides an opportunity to select at least one of the suggested set of three problems “What a family!”, “Bizarre colouring” and “The pursuit”, taken from the RMT – Rallye Mathématique Transalpin (Transalpine Mathematical Rally).

Main Piloting
by Lucia Doretti

Second piloting
by Marie Hofmannová and Jarmila Novotná
Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Third piloting (at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, SK) and conclusion
by Lucia Doretti

LIM-BP-RealWorldProblems.pdf Click here to get the full text in PDF format

Franco Favilli and Giuseppe Fiorentino, eds.

Copyright © by LOSSTT-IN-MATH Project - All Right Reserved.

This project has been carried out with the support of the European Commission within the framework of the Socrates Programme - Comenius 2.1 Action.
Information expressed in the website reflects the views only of the LOSSTT-IN-MATH project partnership.
The European Commission cannot be responsible for any use which may be made of the information.